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How to use the PROFINET-INspektor® NT via a mirror port on a switch?

For a complete PROFINET telegram analysis, it is necessary that the data is passed through the PROFINET-INspektor® NT. For this purpose, the PROFINET INspektor NT must be inserted directly into the connection between the controller and the first device (usually the switch) (see manual p. 11). Operation via a mirror port of the switch does not guarantee a complete analysis because the switch is not able to transmit all telegrams from both data directions via this port, e.g. in case of high network loads.

An alternative possibility for a temporary connection of the PROFINET-INspektor® NT is the permanent installation of a PROFINET measuring adapter (e.g. PNMA II). From this, both data directions are forwarded in full (each up to 100 MBit/s) to the PROFINET INspektor inputs via the two monitor connections M1 and M2.


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